Assuming that the final good landing, the whole network is talking about big good, there will definitely be funds to choose high-throwing cash. Not to mention other funds, I will definitely suggest that some people who have increased their positions in advance should start to reduce their positions on rallies.Third, the results of the heavy meeting have not yet landed, and the bears dare not smash the plate easily.
Assuming that the final good landing, the whole network is talking about big good, there will definitely be funds to choose high-throwing cash. Not to mention other funds, I will definitely suggest that some people who have increased their positions in advance should start to reduce their positions on rallies.Second, today's turnover exceeded 1.8 trillion, which is a rise in volume and price. Now it is not necessary to put too much. Often, when a large amount is put, it means that there is a large selling plate, and it is more likely that the upper plate will be shipped.Second, today's turnover exceeded 1.8 trillion, which is a rise in volume and price. Now it is not necessary to put too much. Often, when a large amount is put, it means that there is a large selling plate, and it is more likely that the upper plate will be shipped.
Second, today's turnover exceeded 1.8 trillion, which is a rise in volume and price. Now it is not necessary to put too much. Often, when a large amount is put, it means that there is a large selling plate, and it is more likely that the upper plate will be shipped.
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide
Strategy guide